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The Wordchuck Blog.
Shelly Roche is a Ruby on Rails engineer and founder of Wordchuck. She usually blogs about Ruby, Rails 3, woodchucks, i18n, l10n, startup life or whatever has her fired up on any given day. Yes, she is available for i18n consulting & training. Find her or by . |
Wordchuck at the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon
I hit the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon this weekend to do a little hacking with 450 or so of my nerdiest friends. All in all, an awesome experience -- even the part where I had to get on stage and give a 60 second demo of my hack.
from TechCrunch interviewed me after I'd had a few too many red bulls... Here's her video of us chatting about the hackathon, Wordchuck, and salad bugs:
Read the rest of her article: An Illustrated Slice of TC Disrupt Hackathon Life
Other highlights:
* The midnight taco truck (thanks, BitTorrent!)
* Finding a spot to park the RV at 3:00 in the morning so I could take a quick nap before demo time
* Meeting some supercool fellow hackers, journalists and people I follow on Twitter
* And of course, awesome shirt:

And with that, back to coding! The 'Chuck has entered final launch sequence... stay tuned :)