The Wordchuck Blog.

Shelly Roche is a Ruby on Rails engineer and founder of Wordchuck. She usually blogs about Ruby, Rails 3, woodchucks, i18n, l10n, startup life or whatever has her fired up on any given day. Yes, she is available for i18n consulting & training. Find her or by .

Wordchuck Launches Library of Locale-Specific Details!

by Shelly
We've just launched our Library of Locale-Specific Details, which includes professionally translated localized information for 28 locales!

The library is free for Wordchuck projects, and means you automatically get locale-specific data (like date formats, currencies, date/times, numbers, etc.) included when you generate your locale files using our Ruby gem.

The Library includes locale details for:

» Arabic
» British (en-GB)
» Chinese (zh-CN)
» Croatian
» Czech
» Danish
» Dutch
» English
» Estonian
» Finnish
» French
» German
» Greek
» Hindi
» Indonesian
» Italian
» Japanese
» Latvian
» Polish
» Portuguese
» Romanian
» Russian
» Slovak
» Spanish
» Spanish - Latin America (es-AR)
» Swedish
» Turkish
» Vietnamese

To include the new locale data, simply run:
rake wordchuck:generate
This will re-create your locale files. When the rake task completes, you'll see the new locale-specific formats at the top of your locale files.

We're working on including more, so please let us know if you have specific locales you'd like added.