Features & Pricing

Translation Features
Invite your own translators Unlimited (FREE)
Professional human translators 20+ languages, .08 per word
All translations are reviewed for maximum accuracy.
Instant machine translations 20+ languages
Content Features
Easily organize and manage your app's content with our web-based content collaboration tool.
Add ActiveRecord/ActiveModel validation error messages (for Rails apps)
Invite your team to collaborate
Developer Features
API Use our API to create content, get translations, and generate locale data however you want to.
Ruby Gem Use our Ruby Gem to automatically generate your locale files with a single rake command.
Demo App / Source Code Use our demo app to see exactly how to code your i18n implementation.
Bonus features - Extras that will save you time and money
Library of Professionally Translated Common Terms FREE! [details]
Library of locale-specific currency formats for 28 languages [details]
Library of locale-specific number formats for 28 languages [details]
Library of locale-specific dates and times for 28 languages [details]


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